Learn To Speak Horse

The Equine Perspective
An online program for people wanting to understand and respond to their horse in a way that builds their relationship.
When we can understand and respond to the subtle body language cues that our horse gives us to explain how they are feeling, we can avoid having them shout at us with dangerous behaviour like barging, pulling back, rearing, biting or kicking.
And I, for one, am a big fan of avoiding horses getting shouty!
In this program, we dive into what really motivates our horses to behave the way they do, so we can understand the world from their perspective. Once we can do this, it really helps us to not only interpret what our horses are trying to tell us through their body language, correctly, but we can start to avoid the shouty behaviour because we know how to avoid the problem in the first place. Winning!

What we cover:
Horses communicate with body language, so if we are truly going to have a conversation with our horses, we need to learn how to understand that language and respond to it appropriately with our own body language.
In this program we explore the different ways that horses can communicate relaxation and differing levels of tension, using a traffic light system to categorise the behaviour and guide our responses. We investigate what green light, or communication body language looks like in your horse and I support you to practice responding when your horse gives you these signals, to let your horse know that you have noticed and understand.
The goal is always to notice and respond to the most subtle cues from your horse possible. If we can respond to our horses’ green light body language signals, then they don’t have to escalate to amber or red light (shouty!) behaviour in order to get us to notice. The end result: a calmer, more relaxed and cooperative horse!
How good is that?
Even more value:
We also explore some of the ways that horses show pain, some common types of 'hidden pain' that are not always obvious and how we might start investigating this if you suspect it is an issue for your horse.
A guide to addressing problem behaviour. We investigate what to do if your horse isn’t cooperating and I outline a 5-step process to follow before you start re-training, which can sometimes stop a problem behaviour without needing to re-train!
I explain what trigger stacking, flooding and learned helplessness are, their impact on horse behaviour and how to identify and avoid these situations. Whew!
This program is aimed at helping you understand your horses’ motivations, recognise his subtle tension (green light) body language and learn to respond in such a way that your horse stays in the green light zone, which is the optimal zone for communication and learning. A horse in the green light zone is safer, calmer, more cooperative and able to learn.
The more time that you spend interacting with your horse in this way, the deeper and more fulfilling your relationship with your horse will become. You will literally be able to communicate with your horse.
Sounds Good, Right?

This program is for you if:
You find yourself frustrated by your horses’ behaviour
You want to be able to communicate with your horse
You want to understand horse body language
You are curious about your horses’ opinion
You want to stay safe around your horse
You want your horse to be calmer and more relaxed
Being with your horse has started to feel like hard work and you’d like it to be easier and more fulfilling.
You are ready to learn a new way of being with your horse
You want to learn to speak horse
This program is not for you if:
You are looking for a step by step training method
You want a horse who obeys you no matter what
What’s included:
Weekly content videos throughout the 2-month program to watch at your leisure. 30-60 minutes each. Easy to understand, with lots of photographic and video examples. No fluff, I know your time is precious so I get to the point and give examples without wasting time.
Weekly 1-hour zoom tutorials. We expand on the content from each weeks' video in the tutorials, as well as providing a chance for you to ask questions.
Fortnightly projects to work on with your horse, video and submit for feedback. These are short, simple projects to complete, the focus is on the communication that is happening between you and your horse at the time. Because we video, we can look back and review what is happening, which is such a great tool for learning about your particular horse.
The Nitty Gritty:
Start Date: Coming Soon - Dates for March 2022 will be advised shortly!
Duration: 8 weeks
Content: Released weekly on Saturdays
Zoom Times: Weekly on Saturdays
Cost: Earlybird price $370 AUD
Full price $420 AUD.
Limited places available. This will deliberately be a small group so I can work directly with each person and give everyone individual feedback.