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Once upon a time, I used to daydream about being able to talk to my horse. I wanted to be able to communicate my ideas clearly, to tell my horse that I loved her and, if I'm honest, to hear my horse tell me that she loved me back! â€‹


Well, it's been a journey. 


I started off with a daydream. Of deep connection with my horses that was fulfilling emotionally on a completely different level. Of being able to work with them joyously. With their full consent and willing cooperation. 


I've studied the science of Equine Behaviour and Body Language and explored how Learning Theory plays out in training scenarios.


I've struggled with the ethics of how I trained in the past. I've struggled to change - to become the trainer and horse guardian I aspired to be. I've pondered at length where my 'line in the sand' is, regarding horse keeping and training, and learned to accept that it keeps changing.   


I've forgone riding and my own goals to better understand and meet my horses needs and gain the necessary skills to train my unbacked mares to be ridden, with their consent and willing cooperation. At length, I've recommenced riding as a way to further build on the amazing relationship we have developed in the intervening years. 


We've come so very far, but I don't think this is a journey that will ever end. There will always be new goals to strive for, new aspects to explore, or nuance to delve into.  


I am here to share with you what I have learned along the way. To help you to listen to your horse, your intuition and your heart and work with your horse in ways that promote your relationship together, and your horses' autonomy. 



My relevant qualifications and further training include:


- Natural Animal Centre, Equine Behaviour Qualification

- IAABC, Equine Discomfort Ethogram

- IAABC, Resolving Fear Issues in Horses

- IAABC, Fundamentals of Animal Behaviour and Learning

- Behaviour Works, Living and Learning with Animals

- University of Guelph, Equine Behaviour

- Masterson Method, Weekend Workshop

- Equestricare, Red Light Therapy

- Equestricare, Certificate of Equine Massage

- BSc, MSc, Grad Dip Ed


"A particular issue we were having was that he was refusing to load onto the float.  Even though he could be 'forced' onto the float, there were obvious signs that he wasn't ok with this and he was displaying signs of anxiety about the whole thing.


Sara worked with my horse and I and showed us another way to look at the situation.  Sara used positive reinforcement to change my horse's mindset about the float all together.  Sara showed me a way to encourage my horse on the float completely at liberty, which gave him control over his choices and therefore he didn't feel so trapped.  Once he realised that he had the option of leaving the float or moving forward to receive a reward it didn't take long before he was willingly loading onto the float.  He now self loads and travels much better."  

Tracey Snowden, Gidgegannup

© 2019 by Equestrian Balance. 

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